Tag Archives: John Maeda

Vintage Art: The Laws of Simplicity.

Ladies & Gentlemen, simplicity is often related to something which is easy to understand or explain in contrast to something that is complicated. The concept simplicity has also been related to truth. But do we know what is truth and what is easy to understand? Is there a truth existing for the whole world or a simple way to understand different cultures, religions, genders, races, sexualities and so on?

John Maeda, writes in his book Laws of Simplicity about how simplicity and complexity need each other. The more complexity there is in the market, the more something simpler stands out. A good read this autumn will be Maeda’s 10 Laws of Simplicity.

Law 1# Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

Law 2# Organize: Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

Law 3# Time: Savings in time feel like simplicity.

Law 4# Learn: Knowledge makes everything simpler.

Law 5# Differences: Simplicity and complexity need each other.

Law 6# Context: What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

Law 7# Emotion: More emotions are better than less.

Law 8# Trust: In simplicity we trust.

Law 9# Failure: Some things can never be made simple.

Law 10# The one: Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.


Picture source: old-chum


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