Category Archives: Gentlemen

Vintage Details: Gentlemen with Style.

Ladies & Gentlemen, dressing with style might not be complicated for some, but it’s not very often to see this perfection (as shown above) in choice of various materials, patterns, colours and explicit details. This is lived out style and an eye for quality. In some regions and cultures it’s more common to be aware of dressing with style than others. There are practical reasons also combined with this, but in Quote a Gentleman’s opinion a bad excuse. Rain, storm, snow, sun, heatwaves are all regular weather phenomena. Therefore think occasion dressing, buy slow fashion, garments made with craftmanship, classic avantgarde styles and stay fit. Let the gentlemen culture stay alive and let it inspire us all to new way of putting stylish outfits together.


Source: pinterest


Filed under classic, Fashion, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Icon, Inspiration, Trends, Vintage

Vintage Trend: Another side of Fashion.

Ladies & Gentlemen, the financial and political situation is out of hand. Out of something not even robots can control or we can control them to control. Everyone talks about it, it influences our everyday life. But we cannot be controlled by it – the situation. We need to focus on what is foolish, on magical experiments, on things and projects that can remove the focus from the present to the obscure. Something that is not defined in its own clear way. It’s time to drift away, to daydream, to live out wild dreams maybe in a time period where only black and white colours create the silhouette. Now is another side of fashion. Live it out.

Picture source: pinterest



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Filed under Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Trends

Vintage Art: The Laws of Simplicity.

Ladies & Gentlemen, simplicity is often related to something which is easy to understand or explain in contrast to something that is complicated. The concept simplicity has also been related to truth. But do we know what is truth and what is easy to understand? Is there a truth existing for the whole world or a simple way to understand different cultures, religions, genders, races, sexualities and so on?

John Maeda, writes in his book Laws of Simplicity about how simplicity and complexity need each other. The more complexity there is in the market, the more something simpler stands out. A good read this autumn will be Maeda’s 10 Laws of Simplicity.

Law 1# Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

Law 2# Organize: Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

Law 3# Time: Savings in time feel like simplicity.

Law 4# Learn: Knowledge makes everything simpler.

Law 5# Differences: Simplicity and complexity need each other.

Law 6# Context: What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

Law 7# Emotion: More emotions are better than less.

Law 8# Trust: In simplicity we trust.

Law 9# Failure: Some things can never be made simple.

Law 10# The one: Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.


Picture source: old-chum


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Filed under Artist, Conversation, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Inspiration, Trends

Vintage Home: A Home with a History.

Ladies & Gentlemen, a home with a history, a home with character, a home where you can see people live and develop new creative ideas. But how will we live in the future and how will we create our houses if we want to live better all of us at the same time? National and regional identity might give us inspiration for new opportunities. In the Nordic countries – the tendency with nordic food is already blooming. In New York – the gentleman work-wear style has had a great golden period the last years. We look towards new passions, new ways of living and all in all simplicity in its most refined way.

Source: the selby

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Filed under Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Home, Inspiration, Trends, Vintage

Vintage Patchwork: Unique Japanese Boro.

Ladies & gentlemen, beautiful Japanese patchwork and textile handmade from coarse hemp and cotton fabrics.

Source: Pinterest

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Filed under Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Inspiration, Trends, Vintage

Vintage Diva: “Queen of the B’s”.

Ladies & Gentlemen a real diva to adore. The American actress, comedian, film, television, stage and radio actress, Lucille Désirée Ball (August 6, 1911 – April 26, 1989) was one of the most popular and influential stars in the United States during her lifetime, with one of Hollywood’s longest careers,especially on television. Ball began acting in the 1930s, becoming both a radio actress and B-movie star in the 1940s, and then a television star during the 1950s. She was still making films in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1962, Ball became the first woman to run a major television studio, Desilu; a studio that produced many successful and popular television series. Ball was known in many Hollywood circles as “Queen of the B’s” – as in beautiful diva?



Filed under Artist, Diva, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Vintage

Vintage Exhibition: Miuccia Prada & Elsa Schiaparelli.

The Italian fashion designer Miuccia Prada (1949 -).

The Italian fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli (1890–1973).

Ladies & Gentlemen, it was annonced last week that iconic Italian female designers Miuccia Prada and Elsa Schiaparelli will be the subject of the next exhibit at the Met’s Costume Institute, NYC. The double designer feature is unexpected, but makes sense when one considers the subjects’ similar trademarks and quirky-sophisticated aesthetics. There hasn’t been offered many details yet on the exhibition, but the show will debut next spring after this year’s contribute to Alexander McQueen.

Source: met museum

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Filed under Exhibition, Fashion, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Hats, Inspiration, New York, Vintage

Vintage Tradition: Classic Sophistication by Hermés.

Vintage Hermès luggage.

Hermès kimono jacket.

1930′s Hermès vintage watch.

Hermès vintage silk scarf.

Hermès logo from the 1950s.

Hermès vintage playing cards c.1948.

Classic vintage Hermès belt.

Ladies & gentlemen, The Hermès Group, founded in 1837, designs, develops and markets high-quality products. Hermès specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, perfumery, luxury goods and ready-to-wear collections. Characteristic for the brand is the logo of a Duc carriage with horse, which the company has had since the 1950s. But how did it all start? In 1837, Thierry Hermès (1801–1878) first established Hermès as a harness workshop on the Grands Boulevards quarter of Paris, dedicated to serving European noblemen. He created some of the finest wrought harnesses and bridles for the carriage trade. Monsieur Hermès earned citations included the first prize in its class in 1855 and the first-class medal in 1867 at the Expositions Universelles in Paris. Hermès’ son, Charles-Émile Hermès (1835–1919), took over the management from his father and moved the shop in 1880 to 24 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, where it remains today and where the new leader introduced saddlery and began retail sales. The era of Hermès has had its rise and falls and as one fashion observer noted, “Much of what bears the still-discreet Hermès label changed from the object of an old person’s nostalgic to the subject of young people’s’ dreams.”

Source: Hermes  Pinterest


Filed under classic, Fashion, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Hermès, Paris, Shop, Vintage

Vintage Tools: Work it out.

Work – it out.

Tools – fix it yourself.

Roots – back to basic.

Maritime – living by the sea.

Source: things organized neatly

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Filed under classic, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Inspiration, Vintage, Visual display

Vintage Gentlemen: Flower Print & Cigarettes

Light my cigarette. Great colours, dusty olive-green, army, chocolate-brown, light skin colour. Classic!

Rest your leg. Red suede shoes, tattoo, army print and dark skin colour. Avant garde!

Hang your bag in the field. Pattern mix & colour match. sophisticated!

Different (man)kind in NYC. Ties, suits, hands, looks. Be aware!

Always be prepared. Mustard yellow, pockets for certain things, watch, lamp. Practical!

Be my floral guest. Floral print on denim scarf. Modern!

Source: Freeman

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Filed under classic, Fashion, Gentlemen, Icon, Inspiration, Trends, Vintage